Helen Heath Thompson Mosher, CAE, has been producing print and online media for over 20 years, with fully three-quarters of that time devoted to becoming an association communications executive. An award-winning writer in the business-to-business publishing industry and a respected music stringer for the now-defunct Philadelphia City Paper, Helen now lives in Northern Virginia. She got her start in nonprofit communications in the university relations office of Temple University and to this day has a passion for the kind of storytelling that gets stakeholder buy-in from every direction, whether it’s a university or a membership organization. Most recently, she was vice president of communications, marketing and membership for a 165,000-member membership organization with a focus on advocacy and education for federal employees and retirees.
Among her accolades, she has been recognized by Association and Media Publishing and by Communications Concepts’ “APEX” awards for her writing as well as her expertise in web strategies and blog content management. She has received the top APEX award: a Grand Award, twice, for her oversight of association publications Advisor Today (with NAIFA in 2007) and SIGNAL Magazine (with AFCEA in 2011):
Helen’s online writing portfolio includes a range of content from nearly two decades of nonprofit communications work. A limited selection is available in her portfolio–please contact her if you’re interested in retaining her services as a writer or a communications, membership or association governance consultant, or view her resume.